
We provide effective solutions for mental, emotional and behavioural problems in adults and adolescents alike.

Intelligence Tests

Binet Kamat test (BKT)

BK test is one of the widely used tests for intelligence in India for several decades. It gives an accepted and accurate result for intelligence quotient.This test of intelligence is a modified version of Stanford scale for intelligence, and is developed by Dr. VV. Kamat in 1967.This test is applicable to the age range from 3-22 years.

Malin’s intelligence scale for Indian children (MISIC)

MISIC is an Indian adaptation of Weshsler’s Intelligence scale for children, constructed by Dr. Arthur J Malin . It is adapted into English, Hindi and Marathi. This scale is used for children between the ages of 6-15 years. It is administered individually and takes about 2 -2 and a half hours . This test comprises 11 sub tests divided into 2 groups - verbal and performance. Verbal scale consists of 6 sub tests and performance scale consist of 5 sub tests

Wechsler's intelligence scale for children

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children(WISC) is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16. The original test was developed by David Wechsler. It has several modifications - eg : WISC-V has a total of 21 subtests. The WISC-V takes 45 to 65 minutes to administer. It generates a Full Scale IQ (formerly known as an intelligence quotient or IQ score) that represents a child's general intellectual ability. It also provides five primary index scores , which represent a child's abilities in discrete cognitive domains

Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS)

Intelligence scale was first published in 1955, designed by David Weshsler. It is made to measure intelligence in adults and older adolescents . It is currently on its 4th edition which was published in 2008, this test composed of 10 core subtests and 5 supplemental subtests.

Standard progressive matrices (SPM)

It is a group of individually administered tests that non verbally assesses intelligence in children and adults through abstract reasoning tasks. The SPM is part of a series of 3 tests for persons of varying ages and / or abilities, all consisting of the same kind of non verbal reasoning problems.

Coloured Progressive matrices (CPM)

The CPM test measures general intelligence understood as fluid intelligence. It consists of 36 items divided into three series (A, Ab, B), each made of 12 items. It is assessment of intelligence.

Developmental Assesments

Developmental Screening Test (DST)

DST is used for measuring mental development of a child in terms of neurological and integrative behavioral implications, language and personal social behaviour items. It comprises 88 behavioral items presented at appropriate age levels. It is used to asses the development level of a child.

Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST)

DDST was devised to provide a simple method of screening for evidence of slow development in infants and preschool children. The test covers four functions: gross motor, language , fine motor adaptive and personal social.

Gessell children's behavior schedule (GCBS)

This assessment uses the principles of schedules to determine the developmental age and stage of the child. Four domains of this assessment are motor, adaptive, language and personal social behaviour.

Vineland Social Maturity Scale (VSMS)

Assessment tool used for evaluation of social and adaptive functions in children. It is also used as a substitute test to assess intelligence in children with poor speech and in conditions where the children are not cooperative. This scale not only provides social age and social quotients measures but also indicates the social deficit and social assets in growing children.administered for the ages 0 - 15 years . It consists of 89 items measuring 8 different domains of social maturity.

Vineland Adaptive behavior scale (VABS)

Standardized assessment tool that utilizes semi structured interview to measure adaptive behaviour and support the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism and developmental delays. It is commonly used to measure adaptive behavioural skills for children and adolescents upto 18 years of age

Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS)

It is an assessment tool for ADHD symptoms and their effects on behaviour and academic performance in children of ages 6-12. It includes items related to oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety and depression. Parent form contains 55 questions.

Behavioral assessment scales for Indian children with mental retardation (BASIC -MR)

The BASIC-MR is used for evaluating and treating behavioral problems in persons with ID. The tool lists 75 behavioral problems in 10 domains based on their nature. It was developed by Peshawaria and Venkatesan at the National Institute for Mentally Handicapped, in India. A decline in score in the scale is considered to be an improvement in behavior (reduced behavioral problems).

Assesment Of Autism Spectrum Disorders

M-CHAT-R for Autism

Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT) is a psychological questionnaire that evaluates risk for autism spectrum disorder in children ages 16–30 months. The 20-question test is filled out by the parent, and a follow-up portion is available for children who are classified as medium- to high-risk for autism spectrum disorder. Children who score in the medium to high-risk zone may not necessarily meet criteria for a diagnosis.The checklist is designed so that primary care physicians can interpret it immediately and easily.

Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS-2)

The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) is a behavior rating scale intended to help diagnose autism. CARS was developed to help differentiate children with autism from those with other developmental delays, such as intellectual disability.The CARS is a diagnostic assessment method that rates individuals on a scale ranging from normal to severe, and yields a composite score ranging from non-autistic to mildly autistic, moderately autistic, or severely autistic.

The Indian Scale for Assessment of Autism (ISAA)

It is a subjective assessment tool for persons with autism which uses observation , clinical evaluation of behaviour,testing by interaction with the subject and also information supplemented by parents or caretakers in order to diagnose autism.

Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS)

The assessment of basic language and learning skills (ABLLS) is an educational tool used frequently to measure the basic language and functional skills of an individual with developmental delays or disabilities. The ABLLS-R( revised version) is most commonly used on children with developmental disabilities and delays (including autism).It assesses the strengths and weaknesses of an individual in 25 skill sets. Each skill set is broken down into multiple skills. It is conducted via observation of the child's behavior in each skill area. The instructor will provide a stimulus to the child (verbal, hand-over-hand, non-verbal, etc.), and, depending on what the child does (the behavior), determines their skill-level.

Assessment Of Learning Disorders


In India, Specific Learning Disability (SLD) is diagnosed with 'NIMHANS Specific Learning Disability Battery (NSB). It is accepted for assessment and certification of learning disability. The updated NSB has test items till the 10th grade. The NIMHANS index for SLDs is a battery of tests used for confirming the diagnosis of SLD. It consists of two levels: Level 1: (5-7 years of age); Level 2: (8-12 years).

Assessment Of ADHD

Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale (VADPRS)

VADPRS is an assessment tool for ADHD symptoms and their effects on behaviour and academic performance in children aged 6-12. It includes items related to oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, anxiety and depression. Parent form contains 55 questions.


The Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scale (CBRS) is a tool used to gain a better understanding of academic, behavioural and social issues that are seen in young children between ages 6 to 18 years old. It is frequently used to assist in the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The CBRS was created to evaluate possible behavioural markers in children from ages to 6-18 comprehensively. These include: hyperactivity, compulsive actions, perfectionism, playing up in class, violent or aggressiveness, math difficulties, language difficulties, fear of separation, social issues and emotional anguish.

Projective Tests

Human Figure Drawing Test

The drawing figures are widely managed as an ideal instrument for self-expression. HFD test (Human Figure Drawing) is an abbreviated test which was developed with the aim to evaluate various psychological states, especially assessing the psychic status including psychiatric illness and personality state.

Thematic Apperception Test

TAT, is a type of projective test developed by Murray and Morgan in 1930s. The test is intended to evaluate a person's patterns of thought, attitudes, observational capacity, and emotional responses to ambiguous test materials. It has a set of 31 cards that portray human figures in a variety of settings.

The sentence Completion Test (SCT)

It is a semi structured projective technique meant to explore the needs, inner conflicts, fantasies, sentiments, attitudes, aspirations’ and adjustment difficulties of their clients. The participant here is required to complete an unfinished sentence by filling in the specific missing word or phrase. The test is typically used to evaluate personality.

Rorschach Inkblot Test

This test was designed to look for patterns of thought disorder in schizophrenia and also include other areas, like personality, emotional disorders, and intelligence.It is conducted on participants age between 5 to adulthood. The test consists of a series of 10 symmetrical blots where the participant states what they see. Each blots containing a complicated inkblot pattern. Participants look at the cards one at a time and describe, responses are noted and scored.

Personality Tests

The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI)

The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) is a 175-item inventory designed to assess both clinical symptomatology and underlying, more enduring personality traits and syndromes. It contains 195 items. The MCMI provides information on personality traits and psychopathology, including specific psychiatric disorders outlined in the DSM-5.

International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE)

The International Personality Disorder Examination is a clinically meaningful tool for assessing personality disorders.The IPDE is a paper pencil test that can be administered to individuals who are aged between 18 - 70 years.

NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI)

The NEO PI provides a systematic assessment of emotional and interpersonal state of an individual. The questionnaire is a concise measure of major domains of personality. It facilitates a comprehensive and detailed assessment of normal adult personality and is used for both general personality testing and pre-employment assessments as part of the recruitment process.

NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO FFI)

The NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO FFI) is a 60-item version of the NEO-PI that provides a quick, reliable, and accurate measure of the five domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness). It is designed for use in employment and personal counseling settings involving activities such as career counseling, career development, and employee training.

The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI)

The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) is an instrument for personality assessment that It considers personality in seven dimensions that vary widely in the general population, rather than focusing only on pathology or abnormal traits.The TCI is based on a biopsychosocial model and is determined from a 240-items questionnaire.

Neuropsychological Assessments

Mini- Mental State Examination (MMSE)

MMSE is a cognitive test used to screen for the presence of cognitive impairment. It provides measures of orientation registration and short term memory,attention, voluntary movement and language functioning.

Addenbrooke's cognitive Examination (ACE-III)

It is a screening test that is composed of tests of attention, orientation, memory, language, visual perceptual and visuospatial skills. It is useful i n the detection of cognitive impairment.

NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery -Adult

The objective of this assessment is to chart the deficits and adequacies in the behavior of patients. This is a clinical examination of both the working brain and dysfunctional brain.Overall there are 19 tests which measure neuropsychological domains and functions such as speed, attention, executive functions, comprehension,verbal learning and memory, visuospatial construction, visual learning and memory.

NIMHANS Neuropsychological Battery -Child

It is a comprehensive battery developed for assessing cognitive functions. Battery consists of 21 tests. These tests have been selected to assess each of specific neuropsychological functions such as motor and speech functions, visuospatial functions, executive functions and learning and memory functions.